Home Office – SBRI Digital Forensics Challenge – MADCAT WHISKERS wins both Phase 1 and 2 funding

In August 2015, the Home Office challenged UK businesses and academia to come up with ways to improve the speed, efficiency, and effectiveness of recovering and analysing data from digital devices seized from suspects under investigation. This was conducted through the SBRI (Small Business Research Initiative) competition run by Innovate UK on behalf of the UK Home Office.
Oxford Wave Research participated in this highly competitive call and was one of the eleven businesses and universities selected for Phase 1 funding. OWR successfully completed Phase 1 and was one of the five companies from the Phase 1 participants that was further selected for Phase 2 of the competition.
The funding for this challenge helped us to enhance our existing MADCAT algorithms for extracting and comparing fingerprints in audio or video, to using GPU-acceleration to perform millions of comparisons in seconds and hundreds of millions in tens of minutes. We further developed this into a client and GPU-server based architecture capable of sharing and comparing audio fingerprint data for high speed cross-case comparisons.
Our R&D team attended the SBRI Digital Forensics Showcase Event in London on Friday, 3rd November 2017, to showcase MADCAT WHISKERS, our high-speed media fingerprint comparison solution that was developed as part of this challenge.
The showcase event provided an excellent opportunity to demonstrate how we used the Home Office funding and input to develop and improve a product which is now being used in certain UK law enforcement agencies with tremendous results.
To find out more about our software please contact us directly at info@oxfordwaveresearch.com